The Dark Angels have obtained information on the location of the Falling Blade, a brotherhood of Fallen Dark Angels. They must engage Eldar who have been collaborating with the Falling Blade. It is hoped that further information on the whereabouts and activities of Cypher will be revealed to them should they be able to bring any of the Falling Blade to confession.
Player Brief
Dark Angels
The Falling Blade favor long range combat techniques and will be very hard to bring to confession. Your mission is to prevent any of the Falling Blade from escaping the battle. You may need to use every asset at your disposal to bring them down. Consider well the notion of utilizing elements of the Ravenwing to aid your Deathwing in quickly coming to grips with this group of Fallen.
Alternate Win Condition:
All Fallen are slain (models lost to a failed Morale Check are not considered slain). Killing the unit in Melee yields you a bonus to Command Point recovery at the end of the mission (+1 to your rolls).
Loss Condition:
If any Fallen are removed from the table to a failed Morale Check or if any are still on the table at the end of the mission, you will be considered to have lost the mission (only really applicable in the case of a draw).
Player Brief
Humans would be amusing if they weren't so belligerent and persistent. Recently a small group of their Space Marines has been shadowing your forces. The Warlocks and Farseers have determined that they are intent on using your force as a shield against their enemies, but they've also determined that these beings will have a future impact on the Craftworld. It is unclear if that impact will be good or bad and until that has been determined they are to be tolerated.
You will be commanding a single unit of Fallen in this combat. For purposes of this mission they can be transported by your vehicles and can be targeted by psychic powers which (but they can't benefit from powers that are cast on other units like Guide and Doom). You may begin the game with them embarked on a vehicle if you choose, but they must be on the table by no later than turn three. Once deployed, they can't embark again. Fallen models can hold objectives for your army in the same way that any Elite choice in Codex: Craftworlds is allowed to. They do not benefit from your Craftworld trait.
Alternate Win Condition:
At least one Fallen is still on the table at the end of the game.
Alternate Loss Condition:
The Fallen are not deployed on the table by the end of the third game turn.