They are done! I've finished the Crimson Fists and have moved on to working on my Eldar. Here are some pics. There is one Modern Crimson Fist pictured here: Pedro Kantor. The rest, over 100 marines and vehicles, are all 1st Edition models.
Here's the army about 2/3 finished. Note the Grey Knights, Inquisitor, and Assassin.
Imperial Assassin.
The complete army, without Grey Knights.
I configured two squads to work as Tactical Squads in 1st Edition or as Sternguard Squads in modern play. They are at either end of the front block of models, one squad is featured here just to the left of the Terminator Assault Squad.
Terminators, Chaplains, and Librarians.
The converted Whirlwinds along with the original Land Speeder and Furibundus Dreadnought are what make this army special.That's a Devastator Squad with the original Space Marine Missile Launcher and Lascannon sculpts. Just behind them is a squad of Scouts. Sadly there were no rules for Scout Squads until 2nd Edition.
The backbone of the army are the Tactical Squads and their rhinos. While I can't field all of these squads in 1st Edition without house rules, I had a blast painting these guys up. It was a challenge building squads that satisfy both 1st Edition and modern rules.